I'm all grown up! I am one year old!  I'm the boss. I know you've all seen lots of pics of my birthday and heard all the deets from mom so I won't be boring you with a repeat. I'm here to tell you that things are changing and quick. I learn a lot every day, I'm still an avid learner and curious observer, and my new thing is obsessing over one particular thing for a few days. So mom said going forward she'll let me log on a bit more often so I can share with you my new obsessions. The weekend of my birthday I became obsessed with my chair. 


When I say MY chair, I truly mean mine. It was a gift from Grandma Morrow to me and it's got my name.

That morning when I saw it, it was love at first sight, except it wasn't the first time I saw it! I don't know how I could have ignored you all of my life. I'm sorry chair, I love you. 


I love sitting on your cushiony seat and bouncing up and down. I love dangling my feat and kicking while my bum sits on your soft surface. 

I love standing on you and climbing over the side. I like leaning over your comfy arm rests to grab my toys out of the bin next to you. 


I love reading books while sitting on your lap and exploring every angle of every toy while comfortably leaning my back on your chest. 

I'm obsessed with you! And that's why the first thing I do when I get home is come to you. I love you chair!! You're the best. 






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