I still vividly remember the days where I’d count down to the weekend, even though they feel so long ago, it was only 3 years ago. The reality is that as a mom of a high energy 100% extroverted toddler and now an infant (who’s great but obviously still a lot of work), I could care less...
“The decisions / choices of life come one-by-one in the moment. Expectations forever push you to look ahead, mentally entrap you in the future. Like a chess player you’re always thinking 8 moves out…”
(Robert Taibbi L.C.S.W., Psychology Today – Link...
The conversation was about 2019, their goals, their resolutions, their expectations. As I listened carefully, I thought in the back of my mind: what do I want to accomplish in 2019, what are my goals? What will I talk about when it’s my turn to speak? when I finally opened my mouth to speak...
2017 will forever be in our memories as one of the greatest years of our lives. It was the year that all our hard work and sacrifices paid off. It wasn’t the easiest of years. In fact, it might have been one of the hardest, but it was worth it!
2017 was a year dedicated to hard work in all...
This year when the MLS All Star fan voting started, I did the usual: I asked friends and family to vote for Justin, sent them the link, log in every morning to vote and left it at that. The reality is that no matter how amazing of a year Justin has or how many goals he scores as a defender, the...
Many of you know I graduated from ND with a BBA in accounting and quite a few of you conclude I do accounting for a living. Some of you who are familiar with the career path are thinking maybe I’m an auditor, but based on some of the questions I receive or the assumptions I’ve heard...
What a year. It was the best of times it was the worst of times - emotions were felt to the core whether positive or negative and that my friends is the definition of parenthood. The hardest thing about becoming a mom is not the sleepless nights or the constant feeling of uncertainty, to me...
Today is Mary's birthday. Mary probably doesn't know how grateful I am to have met her and how lucky I feel that life crossed our paths. The life that we live isn't always easy, friends come and go, some friendships are forced, others we grow into. But sometimes, this...
Last week was insane. I developed this strong urge to "get everything ready" for when the baby gets here. I was cleaning, reorganizing, washing clothes, ironing, and any household activity you can imagine like crazy. Of course, we dismissed this strange behaviour as a case of...
In spanish there is a phrase that refers to the nine months of pregnancy as "The Sweet Wait". Well with basically a week to go, I don't know whether waiting is sweet or not, all I know is that the closest thing to reality about that phrase is that during the wait I've...
Yesterday, a friend and I were talking about social media... We talked about how now a days, it's so easy to either purposefully or accidentally misrepresent ones life through photos being posted. By selecting the most glam or awesome experiences and pictures to share it's easy to...
With less than two months left before baby Morrow gets here, we started the counting and excitement is mounting. I keep getting messages from family and friends asking how I’m down, how pregnancy has treated me, how Justin and I are feeling. I realized, I’ve been a terrible communicator...
If you grew up with Argentinian parents, it is likely that as a child the 29th of each month you had gnocchi, or as they spell it in latin countries ñoquis. Last weekend I was reminded of this quirky tradition while searching for some italian spots in the city. A little blast of the past...
The Toronto Transit Commission, aka the TTC, aka Toronto’s Public transport has this very cool program called “Art in Architecture”. Many of the subway stations have public art included in their design and I love checking them out at every stop on my way to work...
First and most important I should start out by saying that for those who haven’t heard or seen Justin and I are very excited to announce that we are expecting a baby girl beginning of September!! (if you haven’t seen the announcement check it out below)
Since we’ve shared the...
Time flies by when you’re busy! I cannot believe that today is my 1 month anniversary at work. In a flash I completed 25% of my contract. ¼ of my working days have been concluded and as I had promised, this is the blog where I provide more details on what I’ve been doing at work...
Woke up this am to watch the sunrise, didn’t have to be at the gym for another hour or so, but when I looked up at the clock and saw 6am I thought to myself, get up, grab a cup of tea and watch the sunrise.
As I stared out the window, I thought to myself, life is crazy. It amazes me, or...
5 months after Justin and I started officially dating I was faced with a very tough conversation to bring up to him: Valentine’s Day and my desire ignore the all too cheesy holiday that seemed to cover campus in paper hearts and hallmark cards. I knew he wasn’t a hopeless romantic, but...
You know, when futbol is such a big part of your life, standard things, like the year beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st kind of get overwritten. The actual year 2015 started on a chill note for us, we spent New Years Eve with family and friends. The night was spent eating a...
Abu, abue, abuela coca, abuela, Rosalba, Coca. My Grandma, just like me, had so many nicknames. Not because her name was complicated like mine, but because she knew and meant so much to so many people. I doubt there was one person who ever met her whose life wasn’t changed. She was sweet,...
As I sit in the Frankfurt airport waiting for our flight back to Toronto my brain is all over the place. The next seven weeks of our lives are booked and I’m excited for the adventures to come. Yet, I can’t stop thinking about the adventures we’ve been through in the first three...
I think most people interested in the answer to this question know that we're living in an apartment but I decided to bring it up because I owe photos of our apartment and the building to several people. Anyway, better late than never ...
The building in which we live is called "Fashion...
The million dollar question. The question everyone wants to ask but they wait for the "right moment" to bring it up. Yet when they finally dare to ask they still emphasize a joking tone in case I might get offended. I understand the curiosity and I understand the intention of the...
Hello hello! Monday again, it is time to answer another FAQ. Last week I spoke about the weather in Toronto while answering the all popular loaded question: Hey, so cold is it up there? Today I will continue to talk about Toronto itself as I answer: Hey, so how is Toronto, do you like it? In...
When I started this blog my intention was to both stay connected with friends and family and share with everyone my experiences and thoughts from afar. I realized that although I have shared photos, recipes, books and other things I failed to share about the basic things that are part of my daily...
I will eternally be grateful for the month of October. I had never sat down to think about it, but even though July is my favorite month of the year, mostly because it’s when I was born and back home it’s “winter” which basically it’s the equivalent of the Northern...
This week Scotland was all over the news. For those of us interested in the outcome of the vote, we anxiously waited thinking "yes or no to independence?" Scotland decided to remain a part of the United Kingdom and in it's honor I'd like to bring back some pictures and a blog of...
I wanted to share with everyone a song that I've been obsessed with since I discovered it watching the show "Nashville". At the bottom of the blog you can find the lyrics to this song which I find to be beautiful. Strong message in simple words.
Now a days it is so...
From a young age I learned that the only constant thing in life is change. Some people become adverse to it and do everything in their power to control it, others embrace it with open arms and thrive on the excitment or challenges it might bring. I myself, as many already know, am the latter. In...